March 28, 2020


Sunset View in Minyak Beku

I am always up for a hike with such a scenery! Just before the golden glowing "egg yolk" sets for the horizon, everything is just picture-perfect in that very moment. Such moment makes living worthwhile, don't they?

Witnessing such phenomenal scenery usually flips a switch in me, I am trying to describe the feeling but really, is there a way to elucidate? Have you ever experienced such feelings?

There are so many things in this world that we could never come to fathom. A mystery, they call it.

Whatever it is, I would love to live on to witness more sightings as such and I do hope that the people whom I love dearly would get to see the beauty of nature themselves too.

Perhaps, a great company would make the experience even better! So... who's up for an adventure?!

March 27, 2020

Home - Best spot for Stargazing

If you had known me personally, you will know that I am emotionally and physically attached to this place I called home. 

I understand that the term 'home' is rather subjective. As for me, regardless of the location of where I was raised, anywhere would be regarded as home - so long as my love ones are with me. 

Lucky me! I was born and bred in only one place and home is still where it used to be. 

One of the main reasons why I love going back to my kampung in Batu Pahat (also known as Rocktown) besides my parents, my best friends, good food and doggies is the light-free environment which creates the ideal stargazing spot. 

Having said that, my house is located at the outskirts of Rocktown. It is a little cozy fish village right surrounded by lush green hills and I will never doubt that it is the best place to have my childhood. 

But when I was younger, I never really understood why my uncle, aunty and even grandmother love to gaze upon the cloudless night sky. 

I meant the stars are nice. They are luminous and twinkly and they outshine each other in their own manner. Gazing just for the sake of its aesthetic pleasure I assume. Nothing more, no stories, no meaning and zero knowledge on astronomy. 

Just recently, I have managed to study a little about the stars. What literally blew my mind was the star that I thought of as a star is not a star but a planet. Have you ever noticed the one bright star that is always following the moon? That is actually planet Venus that we are looking at. wth???

I've grown fonder and fonder in the study of celestial objects. It is definitely one of the best subjects to learn in this lifetime. 

The constellation of Orion in the center of the image. Betelgeuse has dimmed down and Rigel being the brightest in the Orion constellation.
Sirius- the brightest star in our night sky can be spotted at the top left corner of the image. 

Gazing at the stars at night now has more meaning to it. It has become one of my favorite past time hobby and I am sure I will find lots of joy in doing so.

Stargaze with me some fine day and I'll tell you a story about the twinkling stars in the night sky.

July 24, 2017

Short Getaway

Snorkeling in Redang Island, Malaysia

 A splendid place to stroll along the beach, let the waves sweep your feet, witness the underwater world and spend the best time with your friends and family. 

November 13, 2013

3D2N Trip to Tioman Island

A late post on the trip to Tioman Island back in March. Not sure if I could still remember every little detail but I will try to share with you my experience to this particular island. 

So my friends and I (the four of us including myself) took the budget package which costed us RM330 per person. It was a 3 days & 2 nights stay and the package includes the 'to and fro' ferry ticket from Mersing to Tioman, the accommodation, meals (breakfast and dinner), 1 barbecue dinner and snorkeling trips at 3 spots. The only thing that we had to do was to drive all the way to Mersing's Jetty and drive back to BP. 

So, the ferry journey from Mersing to Tioman took us about 2 hours and as soon as we stepped down at Sun Beach Resort, we were just so fascinated by the scenery! 

Since we got the cheapest chalet there, the overall comfort rating was below average. We fed the big black mosquitoes well for three days I guess. Although we had spent some time killing all the mosquitoes in the room, there were still more coming in from the toilet gaps. At some point, I kinda just gave up and let the mosquitoes feed on me. Looking at the bright side, we got the best view from our chalet, facing directly to the sea.

The chalet that we were staying in.

 The girls enjoying themselves..

On the second day, we went snorkeling at three different spots.

Literally a school of fish 

Travelling buddies

It was my first time snorkeling and it was absolutely fun!
There were plenty of coral reefs but mostly dead. We also spotted small fishes swimming around and lots sea urchins can be seen too. 

2nd Stop
Pristine clear blue sea which was way beyond my expectations! *Maybe because it was my first trip to an island. Found many sea cucumbers here but there were not many fishes swimming around. My head kinda started spinning here as the water was too clear and the moving water shadows were reflecting on the sand in the sea.

Coral reefs and fishes can be seen from above water

 Shadow of my own

At the third spot, the place is called Marina Bay Park. Didn't get any nice pictures there cause it was raining! So unlucky. But we still went snorkeling. Big and colorful fishes can be seen there! Honestly, they were soo beautiful!! 

Then the last stop was at a duty-free shop. Bought a few packets of chocolates back cause it's cheap.  Headed back to our resort and continued snorkeling till we became roti bakar.

After all those excitements, we decided to enjoy the spectacular sunset and took many pictures before we head home the following day. 

That's all for the trip! 

P/S: Tioman Island is a highly recommended place if you're looking for a short getaway!